search the night to find the light...
only in darkness do things look bright...
the sun can never tell the truth...
only the eclipse beholds what's right...
darker can be the hours of hell...
and fulfilling can be every delight...
that's the cruel ditch of joy...
a booby trap which all like...
comforting are these walls of prison...
decieving the wise and fool alike...
they'd rather stay a slave forever...
then search the night and look for light...
it is to the men who drank the sun...
and threw up the moon light...
that the world relishes all romance...
feeling safe from thier blindsight...
but the true nature of naked truth...
is to change it's fashion overnight...
what may seem rightous in the morning...
turns to evil in broad daylight...
to question every thing we feel...
is the greatest gift of human mind...
for senses can behave like witches...
casting oblivion on every sight...
i belive that the will has might...
i am not so sure, what's wrong or right...
that is why i choose to stray...
that is why i am up all night.